start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Friday Foto: Wompzilla!

This weekend marks the 4th annual Womp Off here on St. Simons Island. What is womping you may ask? Skim boarding, that's what the less-informed call it. You take a thin surfboard-like board, throw it on the skim of the water as the tide comes up, run and jump on it and coast. Womping got it's name from the sound the old plywood boards made as the slapped onto the surface of the water. I had probably the coolest wompboard EVER! I wanted one so bad, and in typical father fashion, we just didn't go out and buy one... NO NO, we had to MAKE it. Oh was it sweet. Marine-grade plywood, about 3/8 of an inch thick, about 10 coats of polyurethane for an ultra-thick coat, with custom graphics like a "B" for ben (hot green, yellow and pink, of course). Ocean Motion and SOS (Save Our Sands) stickers plastered everywhere. Man, I wonder what ever happened to that. No doubt it ended up in one of my Mom's garage sales, fetching a whopping $1.25. Hope somebody dropped it on their big toe as much as I did.

Anyway, I don't womp any more. I think it's a physic thing really. There's some mathematical formula for how much weight to surface to water depth ratio that I'm SURE I EXCEED, thus disabling any womping from my future. Instead, I shoot the boarders, which I find equally as fun. This is really a great event, very family oriented. They teach the little kids how to do it, and then hold all sorts of competitions. After it's over, we have a big award ceremony up at a local restaurants (Gnats) where I'll show a slide show of the good, the bad and the ugly. The whole thing starts Sunday at noon at the old coast guard station beach.

Other than that, I have a pretty busy weekend. I have an engagement photo session Saturday morning with a wedding Saturday evening. My shootin' fingers gonna be tired.

Yall have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man... you are so right, that was the coolest board ever! We worked hard on that - remember? I tried to teach you something along the lines of "He who makes his own is twice rewarded". Good times to be sure!