start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Foto: I'm back (and can see!)

Sorry, I know I took a little vacation from blogging here, but I was out last week for LASIK eye surgery. It went fantastic and as of yesterday, I'm seeing 20/15... a slight step-up from my 20/450 not 2 weeks ago! It turns out before surgery, while wearing glasses or contacts, I was still only seeing 20/65. According to GA law, you have to have eye correction to drive at 20/60. So, that explains a lot!

Anyway, the past several days my schedule has been quite hectic. My boss has been out of town, his mom just passed away. But things are getting under control.

Guess what I get to do Saturday? Chaperone Grad Night at Disney World. That's right folks, I get to travel down to Orlando and party with all the highschool seniors at Disney World. I'm extatic. Hey, atleast I get a free trip to the happiest place on earth, right? For those that don't know what Grad Night is, it's all night... like, you don't get back until Sunday around 10 a.m. Disney stays open all night just for HS seniors. It's fun if your a highschooler... I had a good time when I was a senior. I'm still trying to figure out how to slip a little flask with me...

Anway, I took a fresh foto for you guys today. I stopped by on my way to work at the Land Trust's new nature trail located just off Frederica Road. If you haven't been there yet, go... it's cool. I hope you like it. I'm also bring my camera (not my big one though) to Disney with a little pocket tripod too. I hope to get some cool Disney night shots. It should work out nice.

Well, that's it. I'll be back soon guys, so don't think I'm neglecting y'all.

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