start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Foto: Welcome Back...

I'm back! Did you miss me? Man, did we have a great time. The nicest thing was definitely being away awhile. Away from all the stress, the day-to-day work, etc. It's so hard to relax when you have things flying at you in all different directions. One weekend- two days- isn't enough time to declog. I vote for 3-4 day weekends. Who's in?

So, the cruise was great. I left my pics at home, but don't worry, you'll see them eventually. My favorite stop on the whole vacation was definitely Belize, where we got the inside tour from my cousin who's down there in the PeaceCorps. We saw Mayan ruins and ate real Belizan food, which was awesome. I drank a good bit of Belikan, the only beer from Belize (which was great!). On Friday, our full day at sea, we picked up a raft of Cuban refugees somewhere between Cuba and the states. It was about 11:30 p.m. There were 16 of them in a roughly 8 foot square raft. It was raining with 3-5 foot seas. Their boat was half-filled with water and they would have probably died. It's a really sad experience but one I'm glad I went through... thankfully on the last day though. Here we all are, eating lobster and drinking champagne while people are daily risking their lives to come to our country. While I don't necessarily believe in letting just anyone into our country who swims (our walks) over, it's still a very sad story, considering if they do get sent back to Cuba, they will be jailed and possible shot. We met up with the US Coast Guard around 4 a.m. and traded them over. I don't know what happened to the 16 men, women and children.

Anyway, to the picture. Last night I had a family beach portrait to shoot. While I was waiting for the family, I watched a kite surfer. I cursed myself for not having my bigger lens with me (you would have seen the grin on his face as he caught 10-12 feet of air at each jump!). These were taken with at 70mm and the crop-zoomed in on the computer. Not bad detail for the amount of crop I did.

I hope you guys have a great weekend. Kelly started painting our Master Bedroom yesterday and it looks amazing! She'll finish today and we are remodeling the room a little. Giving it a fresh and clean feel. I love the smell of new paint. I'm hanging some original photos above the bed in sepia tone fashion, with custom frames that I'm making this weekend. Should be nice, I can't wait to complete it. Other than that, nothing's planned. Have a great weekend.


Nicole said...

Ben, what's the least you've ever charged for a wedding shoot?

Nicole said...

Hey, thanks for the info. That's exactly what I've done in the past. The first wedding I shot, was for $150 plus processing, and I stayed at their house. Since then, I've done a few parts of weddings and some engagement shoots, but that's about it. I was also thinking in the 800-1000 range for this one, it's friends and a very small wedding and such. Thanks!