start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Friday Foto: Hello, I'm still alive

Yes, yes, yes... it's been too long since my last post. I am sorry. I've been so busy since the week before Thanksgiving that I'm just now coming up for air. First thing's first, Kelly and I went to her second check-up this week and found out the sex of our baby... let's just say it'll be Tonka truck time soon!!! It's a boy! We are so excited. Kelly said she felt it was a boy all along, and was really hoping it was. I was too, so we are so excited. 

Today's foto comes from my front yard. We had a sheet covering some plants one night when it got cold, and I was letting the dog out in the morning and saw this tiny little leaf laying on the sheet, with the drop of water just like that. I often see little things like that and say to myself, that would make a nice photo, but never actually take the shot. Too much hassle, etc. Not this morning. I got my stuff out, set up the tripod, attached the macro lens, enabled mirror lockup and dialed in a nice small aperture for maximum sharpness. Other than minor spot removal and dodging and burning in photochop, this is a pretty true shoot. Time spent from concept to completion? 20 minutes. It was fun. 

So this weekend we are getting our Christmas tree. It is easily one of mine and Kelly's favorite things to do in the entire world. Seriously. Decorate the tree, listen to christmas music, and then partake once again in the best christmas movie ever, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. After all, "It's all part of the experience." This photo came from Webster's Christmas tree farm, located north of Darien, GA in The Ridge. This is a cut-your-own tree farm and it's so much fun. We are planning on getting our tree there this year, but we'll see how the weekend folds out. This shot was part of a photo essay I did in The Golden Isle's Magazine titled "My Favorite Things."

I do have lots of other stuff going on right now. Lot's of change in my professional life, but I'm going to save that for another post, once I iron out all the details. So for now, that's all I have folks. Sit back and enjoy Friday and the weekend. If you are not yet listening to christmas music, you know who you are, get on it. I've had it blasting since November 1st.... I may not stop this year. I may continue listening well into May. We'll see. 


The Moerman Family said...

November 1st is way to early to start listening to x-mas music!! That is the time to detox from halloween and decide what you will be next year! :) And you hear it everywhere you go, so no need to have it in your home- unless it is John Denver's 'Rocky Mountain Christmas'. BY FAR the best album out there!!!!

Anonymous said...

you're bat-shit crazy. you're guano crazy. you are crazy, much the way one would be if they had eaten guano. i don't know what the etymology is for bat-shit-crazy, but i'm presuming it came from someone who ate guano and went crazy.