start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday Foto: Busy shooting heads

The head shot. Something every model needs to get them into the world of modeling. It's my understanding that they get head shots and try to market themselves to different agencies. If they are lucky to be accepted, they will most definitely be reshot by that agency... but they need something to get their foot in the door. I got hooked up with this agent here locally that has several child clients (up to 18 years old, I'm guessing) and have been busy shooting head shots for these kids (4 this week alone!). I love shooting people, especially when the person is used to being photographed. It's such a change from shooting people who are shy in front of the camera.... but, I like shooting those kind of people too... it gives me a chance to "crack" them and really try to get something genuine out of them. I shot this girl yesterday afternoon in downtown Brunswick. The downtown lends itself to great photo opportunities offering several unique backgrounds. I haven't even began to process these photos yet, but pulled this one out for yall to look at. I think the shoot went great. 

In other news, we were planning on traveling up to the mountains this weekend, but decided at the last minute against it. We are going to just lay low, soak in some down time before I have four weekends back-to-back with weddings and events. 

Man, something I always begin to blog about this time of year, the weather. It's cooling off a little bit! I know this is just a front and will only probably- if we are lucky- last through the weekend, but it's going to be fantastic and I'm going to take full advantage of it. Mid-70s and low humidity will be a nice change from the norm. 

I got my jeep all put back together, so that's good news. I'll tinker on it this weekend for sure, but nothing major. I probably will install a choke with the cool weather coming now. A choke enables the engine to start easier when it's cold, and not having one for a cold start is a real pain. So... that's it. Happy Friday.

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