start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Foto: Quick Photoshop Fix

I love photoshop. I've had this conversation several times with numerous different people. A lot of photographers and people believe that photoshop is a crutch and that it's popularity makes us question whether a photograph is really good or if it's been enhanced in photoshop to give it that 'wow' factor. It's true you can make an ordinary photo extraordinary within photoshop. When it comes to the validity argument of whether or not the photo is still a photo (in the truest sense), I offer this. Any photo that I showcase that I call a photo will not be largely enhanced. Sure, every photo I take goes through a editing program... just like every photo taken in film needs to be developed (and can be manipulated there, just so you know). But photos that have been greatly enhanced past their point of being true, I will let you know... it's just not right to try to pass off a sunset photo that was composed of three different images. 

Anyway, that leads me to today's foto. I needed a quick image of someone shooting a gun from a profile view. Really quick actually. I ran over to Brunswick the other morning, took the shoot and was done with the brochure I was making that afternoon. Here's a before and after of the photo... representing, in my opinion, how photoshop can really be useful in enhancing images. Sure, I could have gotten close to the same effect (although not exactly) with proper lighting, exposure, white balance, etc, but I didn't have time for that. The client loved the shot, and my favorite comment so far on it has been, "Wow, that looks like something you'd see in Atlanta or somewhere." HA HA HA HA

Anyway, so not much else is new. I have a couple of things planned this weekend, first and foremost is to get my Jeep all back together. I'm so close, with the transmission already positioned in place, I just need to bolt it on. I need to repack the front bearings as well and then refill all the fluids and cross my fingers that I did everything correctly. 

I also have a video project to shoot. But, most importantly, I have some time to spend with Kelly. I've been so busy this whole week, either at the office or under the Jeep, I don't think I've actually seen her in close to 3 days. 

So that's it folks. Hope yall have a great weekend and quick Friday. Cheers.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, nice recovery. My comment was going to be "first and foremost priority spending time with your pregnant wife!"

Anonymous said...

Nice work on the photo, Ben. Looks pretty good. A little halo on the bottom of the hand, maybe, but that could be from file compression. It looks very "Dave Hill". Good stuff.
