start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Thursday, December 15, 2005


So, did you hear about that guy that was acquitted from first degree murder in Colorado? They have a law, dubbed the "Make my Day" law, that gives freedom to those who, in protecting their home/person, wound or kill someone else. Well, this one was a stretch, and the media thinks so too. In 2004 Gary Hill, 24, shot and killed John Knott, 19, after he and three others unwelcomely entered Hill's house and assaulted him. Now, if that was the whole story, no prob... however, the guys wasn't shot in the assaulted man's house, not even his yard. Apparently, after he was assaulted the 4 guys got into their car and drove off. Hill got his gun, ran out into the street and shot at the car, hitting the driver, Knott, and killing him as the car ran into a tree. After a year or so of litigation, the court has acquitted Hill of all charges claiming self-defense under the "Make My Day" law. Pretty interesting huh? If you want to read more about it, go here.

What do you think? I personally think justice acted correctly. Even though he fired from the street, not his personal property, I believe he was acting in self-defense... tricky though, I could definitely argue both sides pretty persuasively. Comments?


Anonymous said...

First, I must comment that it is hilarious that it is called the "Make My Day" law.

Secondly, I'm not so sure that assault warrants a justified death. In the US, we don't even put that many murderers to death, so why justify one man being assaulted? I dunno, it just seems like a stretch to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh Snap! She said you won't! hahahahahaha