start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Rainy days and Mondays

They're both bad, but when they collide it's something quite un-harmonious. I had a good weekend. Had a nice dinner Friday night with some friends, went and got a couple (said lightly) drinks afterwards and turned in before 1. Saturday was an almost perfect day. The weather was so beautiful... the only thing making it not perfect was the temperature; it could have been colder. We went Christmas tree shopping. I though this was going to be an easy, painless task. I grew up working at a Christmas tree farm every year, so I would consider myself a semi-professional when it comes to the ole' tree. Little did I know that since this was our first Christmas tree, it had to be perfect. Lucky for me we found one... after looking at EVERY tree that Home Depot had (you think I'm kidding?). I had other husbands giving me the I-feel-for-you look, and their wives patting me on the shoulder telling me to have a little Christmas spirit. I have plenty of xmas spirit, but this 6-7 foot Fraser Fir looks just like the last 15. But, we wound up finding the perfect one, and we were both happy. Plus, God had pity on me and I found 20 bucks on the ground, so no more complaining from me. Saturday night we decorated the tree. I'll attach a picture later in the week. It really is gorgeous.

So, who has been following the Saddam trial. I usually would follow something with that much importance, but I'm not... and that brings me to my next topic. I'm not following the trial because I feel he has no chance. The media is so saturated with negativity towards Saddam, I doubt he can possibly get a fair trial (not that he deserves one... go ahead Goat). I think they are just giving him this trial out of procedure. Thoughts? Views? I'd love to hear them.


Anonymous said...

Ouch, way to call me out... do i agree with Saddam and his views? not at all! i think he should die and rot in hell for what he did to his people. However, i do not think it is our right to go in and take over his country and bring him back to ours and try him. thats my 2 cents...

Anonymous said...

theyre trying him in iraq...and iraw is trying him along with others. he didnt just screw his own country.
i personally believe in the judicial system, but with him, i dont know. hes an ass who wont even allow his trial to go along smoothly. chanting "long live iraq" is ridiculous. just shoot him already.

Anonymous said...

rain, monday, and cold. As usual a typical monday that can never fall on a sunday when you actually have the opportunity to just lay around and veg and enjoy it. It was kind of rainy yesterday, but started way too late.

Ben, you definitely need to post a pic of the tree. Hey, are there any more "Holiday parties" in the mix for the Christmas season????

I could care less about Saddam. I'm just glad to hear that our troops may be getting out of there and hopefully will be heading back to their families soon. I could go the rest of my life without hearing the name "Iraq" ever again. Go ahead and let them execute Saddam and then start a massive civil war that will probably last 20 yrs. Lets bring back Isolationism!!!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY for another Holiday Soiree, i bought cute clothes yesterday, and i want an opportunity to wear them before the holidays are over!

And did anyone watch the AMAZINGNESS of sean dockery at the buzzer in the duke game last night? yea, it was awesome... who makes a 40ft shot? not many people... haha.

and i really dont care about saddam either, i have no clue what the hell is going on in the trial, i just think we need to get the hell out of iraq, and have thought that since we went in. oh well....

Anonymous said...

yeah, we can def. do another holiday soiree, this time it can be casual so Bum can wear jeans :-) but i think the boys should supply the food this time!

Anonymous said...

they rushed the court b/c of the shot. It was amazing, I agree they should have lost, but great teams find ways to win.

That is a tricky bet, you never know what will happen. If everyone is healthy they are the best team in the NCAA. There only other threat right now is out for another month.

Anonymous said...

23rd works for me. I think...I'll let yall know if not. Mac n cheese, jeans, and cheese fries! how about that?!?!? No, we have to have something healthy bc I'm eating at the Lodge the night before and I'm sure it will add 5 pounds to my festivly plump figure. I feel OK about having a party with my tree and all, now that John and proven what a mature grown up he is! No more heads through walls at hotel rooms....I heart you John!

Anonymous said...

Angie... haha, i never said that duke played amazing last night! they played like shit and deserved to lose, i wont lie, or defend them. they sucked. jj looked like shit. the majority of them looked like shit. the only thing that was good about the game (besides williams' 19 rebounds) was dockery's shot. it was amazing. from 40ft. it was good. you have got to give him credit. tech played well and deserved to win, but they didnt, so i am not going to cry about it. hehe. oh well. hopefully they will play like a #1 team againt texas... if they dont, then they dont deserve to be a #1 team.

and jeans? aww... i bought fancy clothes... oh well, i guess i will just have to use my cute tops with jeans. friday the 23 is fine with me!

Anonymous said...

Bum HAS to wear jeans. Needs to be a requirement. HAHA

Anonymous said...

I definitely second angie's embodiment of the Christmas "spirit". How good is that Sticky Chicken??? I'm down with the 23rd. I think wings and mac n cheese are a good idea also. Maybe wings from Locos and a special order of cheese fries from outback. Is it possible to have some of that nog again. Man, that stuff was like heaven. I gotta see that tree, so maybe we could get a special holiday treat and have an early edition of the "Friday Foto"!?!?!?! Lets do it peeps!

Anonymous said...

I love you guys and I am full of holiday cheer. I love my accelerated class- we are doing the Poe unit and we read "The Bells" and "Annabel Lee." They are SO smart! Some days I'm really happy to be a teacher. SO holiday festivities - I'm muy pumped. I'll work on getting the e-vites out soon.

Anonymous said...

i finally was forced to sign up for evite, so i will be able to respond this time kell.