start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Not again

So, I thought that since I was tired and fell asleep so fast that I would actually have a good night's sleep... Wrong! I can't sleep.

So we went to this Oyster Roast tonight hosted out on Altama Plantation. This is about 20 miles north of St. Simons Island, some property owned by the Jones family, the same family that owns Sea Island. I love this place. As a kid in the Boy Scouts we used to go camping out there a lot. If you ever get a chance to make it out there, you really should, it is an awesome place. What makes it so cool? Only the several hundred acres of nothing. There's a house on it, a bee farm, several ponds with loads of fish, and nothing else but woods to explore. It's awesome.

So, I got some new music for you. Ever heard of Jamie Cullum? He's a pianist from England. He plays with a jazzy, funky style that I really like. He's got attitude, in his music and in his lyrics... but he can because he's good. The song "Get Your Way" off his new CD Catching Tails has been getting a lot of play on the radio waves lately, you may have heard it. His music is very piano driven, but nothing like Ben Folds Five (another contemporary piano driven band). I urge you to check him out, if nothing but to broaden your horizon.

A little aside... Turner, took your advice on the nightcap to aid in sleep. Did nothing but make it harder to type... perhaps a bigger one next time? Good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry, didn't read that you had tried it before i posted the comment on the Friday Foto.

yes, at our ages it may take more than a light night cap in order to speed up the drowsiness.

Niquil seems to work wonders. I'm not advocating using niquil as a tool to help you fall asleep, just an aid to help your body remember what it's don't worry kell, i'm not trying to get your hubby addicted to uppers or downers, and i'm not trying to give him a ride on the smack bus either!