start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Monday, November 21, 2005

All weeks should be short weeks

Can I get an Amen?! Although, it really doesn't feel like a short week. You know how short weeks always feel better on Mondays, like you have something to look forward to. Now, I have plenty to look forward to, but for some reason I just can't get too excited yet. Maybe it's the weather that's dragging me down. It's rather gloomy outside, but at least it is cold. I hope it's not the beginning of the same sickness that my wife has (she even stayed home from work today). I doubt it is, I have a pretty good immune system.

OK, so what is your favorite Thanksgiving food? It's hard to beat fried turkey, but I must say I really like cranberry sauce. Call me crazy, but you just can't beat Ocean Spray's canned Cranberry sauce (with the lines in it from the can and all). Now, I am a big fan of sides. I usually start with the Oyster Dressing and fried turkey, and then build around that with assorted sides. Their are two types of eaters in the world. Those that let food touch, and those that do not. If these were federations, consider me the Charlton Heston of the Let Food Touch Federation. I even have a catchy slogan: "It touches in your tummy, so mix it up on your plate for all the more yummy."After laying the foundation for my Thanksgiving day plate masterpiece, I like to go all Picasso on it with an egg beater. Mix that up. The corn with the potatoes, the bread swimming in gravy, not to mention the turkey being smothered by mounds upon mounds of cottage cheese (OK, that was a Joke, who eats Cottage Cheese really?). So, anybody grossed out yet? Well, then you haven't even seen the dessert plate have you. That's one thing my family does right. Lot's of dessert. By the time I have acquired "samples" of each dessert, I have what would appear, to that of a Non-toucher, to be a rather large Indian burial mound upon my plate. Awww.... but I am Eatsmixedfood, son of Kicking Bird and Crying Wolf, I can eat all.

Happy Monday.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya on the short week. But, a monday is still a monday, no matter what comes next. Why are the majority of gloomy, cold rainy days always on mondays when you can't lay around and just watch movies all day. you actually HAVE to work!!!! I am definitely a "food-toucher". I used to not be. I would separate everything, and eat each thing one at a time. My dad finally asked me why I ate like a yankee? I immediately corrected my carpetbagger style of eating and started mixing everything. I couldn't be happier. Favorite food is dressing.....dressing covered in can't beat it!!!! next would have to be hot, buttered rolls soaked in gravy!!!! Green Bean Casserole, sweet potato casserole.....and Ocean Spray cranberry sauce...I thought I was the only one who liked trailor park cranberry sauce!!! In conclusion to top it good is an open face sandwich the next day!!! Man, my mouth is watering and thanksgiving dinner is way too far off. I hate mondays.

Anonymous said...

THANK GOD SOMEONE NORMAL IS OUT THERE!! haha,i have a friend who refuses to let anything on her plate touch- she wont even eat gravy on her mashed potatoes because it is touching. Whats the point, i do not get it? if you are going to have sides that compliment the food, eat em together, thats the best way!

i must admit, i am not a fan of the cranberry sauce, it has never really done it for me. My mom has gotten me a free-range hormone free turkey for me to eat. i thought it was going to be a very depressing thanksgiving, but no, she has come through! You gotta start with the turkey, then load the stuffing on that, then cover in gravy and add assorted sides all around- green bean casserole, squash casserole, mashed potatoes, etc... the list goes on. i must agree. the dessert might be the best part, after several plates of food, its time to start on the chess, pumpkin, and pecan pies. my father eats the mince meat, but thats just gross.

dont even get me started on the left overs. we do a big thanksgiving at my grandmothers house with all the family, then my fam cooks our own turkey/dressing/sides so we can have leftovers all week long.

sorry to bore everyone, but when the subject is food, i can go on and on. haha.

also, i made one of my co-workers days today. she was very depressed that it was monday, but i reminded her that it was really like wed. since we get the holiday. she was very happy after that....

Anonymous said...

donkeys and horseradish! codfish codfish panfried dream!

Anonymous said...

who wants a turkey that's hormone free.....i want mine over-flowing with hormones. Did you mean play chess or some kind of pie named chess.....either way that's weird as hell. Almost as weird as bum and his fried codfish.