start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Happy Monday (is that possible?)

How was everybody's weekend? Man, I couldn't have asked for a better one (well, I guess it could have been colder outside). I went for a little boat excursion on Saturday with some friends. Despite forgetting to fill the gas tank up and almost swamping the boat, it was rather fun. Wound up cooking lunch in Neptune park all ghetto style. What did I do Saturday night you ask? Sat on the floor in my living room and played Scrabble. Man, I love Scrabble. I almost won.

So what about Terrell Owens? Serves him right! These big sports hot-shots think they are untouchable, so they bitch about the rest of their team, and what does the team do? They bench him for the remainder of the season. He's lucky they don't sew some elastic to his big ears and make him the community jock-strap. It's much like the MLB teams when they striked several years back. You get paid to play sports... Stop yer bitchin'!!! Serves them right, MLB is never what it used to be. Of course, T. Owens now has Jessie Jackson on his side... ummm, let me guess Jessie... Is this just another way the man's trying to keep the brother down?

As much as that infuriates me, the nation's favorite atheist (said with barrel's of sarcasm) is at it again. My guess, and call me crazy, but this guy doesn't care a lick about what he's actually fighting for... He's just looking for a little fame. See what happens when you store your treasures else where? HA!


Anonymous said...

some people just love the sound of their own voice...bottom line.

Anonymous said...

what blows my mind on T.O. is that some of his teammates feel sorry for him. The same guys he railed in the media are saying he meant his apology.

Anonymous said...

blah blah people need to learn how to appreciate whats given to them

Anonymous said...

thats sorta harsh, but i completely agree. no one has the right to be a complete a-hole when hes getting paid to play an effin game.

Anonymous said...

i don't mean to be harsh, but the truth is not always pretty. some people don't know a good thing if it slaps them in the face. getting paid to run and play around on a field is a pretty damn good thing. satisfaction these days is hard to come by; everyone always wants more...

Anonymous said...

Yes, by this point, we do know that TO is a pain, and I agree with all of you. But, to play Devil's advocate for a moment, teams and owners have the ability to release, trade, or ask (under the pressure of releasing) for a re-structuring of contract at any time. Take a player who is playing at a higher level than their contract pays them. Isn't it fair for them to ask for more money? After all, the team can release, trade or restructure. Why can't a player ask for competitive pay?

Anonymous said...

i think they should all be knocked back down to reality. its RIDICULOUS what fans have to pay to watch a football game nowadays. absolutely retarded. the same goes for other pro sports as well. why do they get to be gazillionaires for playing games and charge the fans who put them there in the first place out the wazoo, when all they want is a bigger mansion?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last anonymous (you people should really put your names)...

Its the reason i hate pro sports in general. What happened to playing because you loved the game, not because you get paid $100,000/game?

It ridiculous, and people should stop paying to see these people play until a sense of reality gets knocked back into everyone!

Anonymous said...

AMEN! everything in the world all boils down to money...bottom line.
plus, tailgating is just as fun, and you don't have to pay for a ticket!

Anonymous said...

I dont think tickets are all that bad. It is $32 to watch a college game and the NFL games arent that much more expensive.

It is only a handful of athetes that bitch and moan about the money. Most know that they are getting paid a lot of money to play a game and dont act like an ass when it comes to money.

Anonymous said...

I gotta agree with Robert here. Hockey can be a little on the pricey side, but other than that, the tickets aren't that bad. Besides, almost every stadium or arena nowadays has $5-$10 that anyone can sit in. (and yes, you can still see the game) It is just a matter of whether you want to pay to be closer.

Anonymous said...

NOWHERE in a stadium should it be over $200 for a seat, and thats waaay common in the NFL. no one wants to sit in the nosebleed seats where one cannot even see where in the world the football is.
and robert, its not just a handful who bitch about pay. there are just a handful who make such a huge deal about it that it makes it into the media. every day their agents try to figure out how much money they can get their clients so they, in turn, will also be gazillionares. watch college foosball, not pro!