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that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Will it ever stop?

Now there is a lipstick MP3 Player.... may God save us all. Now, if they made a chapstick MP3 player, I'd be sold.

So, here's a question... my boss just told me that evolution is the way. Creation is horse-shit. He said if creation was legit, then it would be perfect and we wouldn't have a tail-bone. Any takers on this discussion? My two-sense... It's a matter of faith, period. Science may provide a lot of interesting ideas and views, but when it comes down to it, if you are christian, it is faith. The end. I await many posts.


Anonymous said...

Oh Ben, you really really really do not want to get me started on this topic.... howver, if a debate is what you want, then i will most likely debate with anyone and everyone who posts something on this particular subject (namely your wife :))

Anonymous said...

Lord....Try having been a biology major in school and having to take an evolution class. I agree totally with you. And the tailbone thing is because, in our development in the womb, we initially have a tail-like thing which disappears. Like frogs and tadpoles. I really don't think it has bupkus to do with our supposedly evolving from primates or something.

Anonymous said...

Ben, your words couldn't be more correct. It simply IS a matter of faith versus slowed, incomplete scientific evidence. History has taught us that the Bible is historically accurate in some parts while there is no evidence for other parts (example: the box discovered with James' name on it last year). At the same time, science has provided evidence that we DID evolve, but we're not sure exactly how, nor can science explain each step with evidence. I think you're right on the money to say that it certainly IS a matter of faith.

Anonymous said...

It isn't just Christians who need faith to believe in creation. Despite my username, I am not Jewish, it is merely an inside joke (if you didn't know who I was before, you might now...). Can anyone provide any RELIABLE world-wide stats on the percentages of who believes in creationism vs. evolution? My guess would be 70-30 in favor of creationism.

Anonymous said...

A recent CBS poll finds that 13 percent of Americans believe that evolution occurred without God at all. But then again, that's America, not world-wide.

Can be found here:

Anonymous said...

Book Excerpt from THE HUMAN QUESTION
"America is often thought of as the most technologically advanced nation on Earth. But over the past fifty years, polls have also shown that it is one of the most religious. Today 96% of Americans say they believe in a Universal Spirit or God-- a larger percentage than in any major European country except Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Worldwide surveys also report that Americans are among the most likely to hold a creationist worldview. We are three times more likely than the Norwegians, and almost five times more likely than the British to believe that "The Bible is the actual word of God and it is to be taken literally, word for word." In fact creationism hardly exists outside America..."

Anonymous said...

Okay, I apparently am the only person who disagrees with all opinions on this page. How can people believe that evolution didnt happen. There is proof, and while there are some gaps in the history of man over the past 200,000 years, there is much more fact that proves we did, in fact, evolve from primates. how can you argue with science? we are a 98% DNA match with chimps. How can anyone possibly believe that BOOM, humans are here. just like that. did evolution not happen for any animal, or are humans the only things exempt from this theory? There are several scientific theories that havent been proven, i.e. einstein's theory of relativity, but no one is going to sit there and tell me that that isnt 'true'. how can one sit there and tell me the exact opposite is true with evolution, when we have more factual evidence? i just dont get it. Maybe thats the biologist in me, i need the proof, i cant rely on faith when it comes to something so big as to the development of life on earth.

Anonymous said...

The wonderful thing about the U.S. is everyone is entitled to their opinion. I guess we'll see who's right at the end of the world. I'll wave to you from up above. hahaha, joke, no flames please :-)

Anonymous said...

THANKYOU GOAT! Finally some logical thought! Since when does one have to believe one or the other? Couldn't "God" have put evolution in motion?

To each his own...

In the lyrics of Michael Houser, "I got my ways, and you got yours"

Anonymous said...

"the jury is still out on science" hahahahaha......hope you guys watch Arrested Development. I just don't think Eve came from a piece of Adam's rib. I agree with evolution put into motion by God. His plan is just as great as he is, and that involves something as complex as millions of years of evolution. Just enjoy Christmas, music, and holiday cheer!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Intelligent Design is gaining momentum with the academic field as is noted by a few of the posts that allude to it here.

Sara, if I may, it comes down to the fact that we believe that God exists and that this cannot be changed for any of us. It doesn't matter HOW He did it, He just did.

I present Pascal's wager:
Humans can believe or not believe. If God exists:
1) We believe and go to Heaven. This is a positive ending.
2) We do not believe and therefore we go to Hell. This is a negative ending.

If God does not exist:
1) We believe and it doesn't matter because when we die we cannot reflect on our past and therefore we cannot regret. This is a neutral ending.
2) We do not believe and still we cannot reflect on our past and be content or glad. This is also neutral.

So, Pascal says there are two possibilities:
1) Believe and the ending is positive or neutral.
2) Do not believe and the ending is either neutral or negative.

I choose to believe

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fowler, just to be clear, i am neither denying nor accepting the existance of God in my personal belief of the evolutionary theory. I just think that there is a lot more to it than whether or not God placed us here. I personally feel that there is a much greater plan out there, bigger than any of us could imagine- whether that is "God" or not, i do not know. The question becomes was earth put here for human use, or vice versa. Is there more evolving yet to come for us, or is this the end of the line? I hope not, i hope there is more yet to come. When thinking about the tiny insignificant speck we make up in this vast universe, i think that there has to be life out there, somewhere..... is that all part of God's 'grand design'? i really dont know. for me, evolution is the way to go because it makes sense to me. thats it. you are more than welcome to believe in whatever you want. Thats what makes you you and me me. It what makes the world go round.

Anonymous said...

sara, if youre so about what makes you you and me me, why then did you post this:
"How can people believe that evolution didnt happen."
"How can anyone possibly believe that BOOM, humans are here."

Anonymous said...

if you think people have a total right to believe as they wish, then what gives you the right to question it?

Anonymous said...

same could be said for you could it not?

Anonymous said...

how is that? i wasnt on here judging people, asking them how they could possibly believe what they do.

Anonymous said...

this is getting entertaining. keep it up! i need something to read at work. :)

Anonymous said...

One of the worst diseases that can attack the human mind is an opinion on an issue over which no one has any control.

None of us has any control over evolution or creation, if either exists. Convincing others of your opinion certainly won't validate your view (though I suspect it may be more about vindicating your own sense of moral and/or intellectual superiority).

Next time you find yourself in the middle of a ridiculous argument such as this, do what I do: remind everyone of how silly this is, pop open a beer, and forget about it.

Anonymous said...

A few things:

First and foremost, I agree with Ben. This isn't a forum for passionate arguing, but calm debate. Back to the subject matter:

First and foremost, in terms of the evidence of evolution, I cannot believe that the proof of the DNA match between chimps and humans holds much water. Recent discoveries have shown that human and dolphin DNAs are strikingly alike as well. This does not mean that we evolved from dolphins, but rather implies to me that we might be perceiving causation instead of merely acknowledging correlation.

As for gaps in history, both evolution and creation have them, so the arguments wash and must be considered moot.

As for scientific theories that are "accepted" such as relativity, it is not true that everyone in the science field accepts relativity as a fact. Our own Berry College professor Dr. Charles Lane's research is on disproving relativity because it is simply a theory, and not a fact. He is certainly not the only one. Also, I think that one of the reasons that none of us are going to sit here and tell you that relativity isn't true is because those of us that weren't physics majors did not study it in depth. As for creation/evolution, the alternative theories allow for choice. Most of us do not understand relativity, let alone care about alternative theories, but we hear the name Einstein and assume it is true.

Lastly, I was a bit confused by this comment: "I just think that there is a lot more to it than whether or not God placed us here." Do you mean that the Evolution/Creation argument is too boring and there are more interesting scientific studies to be done, or do you mean that the Evolution/Creation argument is a dead end for scientific research and time is being wasted attempting to (dis)prove God?

Anonymous said...

AGREE TO DISAGREE already. this is getting to be a little out of hand. whatever you believe in and whoever you believe in is your own opinion and your own right. God or evolution...whatever tends to be right is only a matter of time. arguing about it will not bring the End any closer! give it up people.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. I think the debate is civil. There is no name calling, emotional outbursts or anything like that. Why can't we let people debate on here? The debate seems to be going on nicely.

Anonymous said...

because it is a debate that has no end. yes, that may be what a debate is. but doing it on here only allows us all to be "anonymous". if you truely believe in something, especially this topic, you should show your face...or in this case, state your name. it's not a true legit debate unless we know where the words are coming from...

Anonymous said...

well said Katie!