start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Man gets clued to toilet seat, no music

A Colorado man fell ransom to a prank when he sat on the can in a Denver Home Depot (serves him right for using public restrooms). Some hooligans spread glue all over the toilet seat, and there he sat for quite some time. His calls of distress to the Home Depot staff merely came off as hoaxes. They hold true to their motto, "You can do it, we can help." I guess they were just seeing him through, making sure he did his business.

Unfortunately the man was recovering from heart bypass surgery, and thought he was having a heart attack (must of had a big lunch). He is now suing Home Depot, not because of the glue, but because they waited nearly 30 minutes to respond to his cries. To tell you the truth, if their was an old man screaming from a stall, I would have waited at least 30 minutes... Come on! The store manager at the time was kicking himself, "We should have installed those musical toilet seats, then he would have no reason to cry... Hell, I'd sit in there on my break if we had those."

Did you ever stop and wonder the meaning of the word "toilet"? One would assume the root word is "toil"... think about it.

In other news, this is my 100th post! Chips and dip all around! Ohh, and maybe some yogurt covered raisins too, I love those things.


Anonymous said...

The music would have been a plus. This sounds like something that would happen to Bum

Anonymous said...

they were talking about this on Leno last night. they showed a clip of anchors on msnbc dying laughing while trying to report it. way to be ahead of the news ben!

Anonymous said...

yum, yogurt covered raisins!