start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Friday Foto, etc.

Self Portrait

Today's picture is a little on the creative side. I was photographing the sunset the other day and as I was turning around I saw my reflection in the window of my jeep. It took awhile to get all the detail in the shot and it was very hard to focus, but I think it came out rather cool. I'm open to comments on this one as well.

Man, I'm glad it's Friday. Who's with me? The following week has much in store, and I am really looking forward to it. Tonight, of course, is the release of the newest Harry Potter movie. Yes, I like HP. Am I as obsessed as "some" people I know? No. But the books are really good, and definitely not just for children. The fourth movie should be good. As I wrote earlier, Saturday is a big oyster roast that I get to go to. I am uber-excited about that one. Next week will be filled with holiday spirit, being Thanksgiving. Friends will be coming in to town and some people will leave town. Thanksgiving will be wonderful, although the absent of my family warrants a grade of less than perfect. They are going up to the cabin in the mountains to have Thanksgiving. To me, the Holiday season is at home. Never really liked spending the holidays away.

My buddy from Annapolis is coming into town. I always look forward to seeing him, and we always wind up getting into some sort of trouble. I seem to remember many occasions in which he is hurt, and I am dying with laughter. Ah yes, and after Thanksgiving.... the soiree. Kelly and I are throwing a Holiday Soiree. I'm pumped. See, according to tests during pre-marital counseling, I'm an extrovert. Go figure! That means I get pumped up when a lot is going on, among people, doing things. Kelly's not that way, holding true to the age old saying "opposites attract". Anyway, it should be a blast, needless to say, I'm excited. Oh, and did I mention it's cold outside? HA!

And.... to all you vegan-scrooge's out there... Christmas is here. The local radio station 103.3 has been playing non-stop Christmas music since Monday, so their. If TBS and Sunny 103.3 aren't good enough, well than what is?


Anonymous said...

oooooohhhhhh black-hearted Goat got TOLD!

Anonymous said...

AWWW... dont be mean to the goat, otherwise i may have to come eat your socks, or the tree at THE Holiday Soiree. Like i said yesterday at lunch, its fine that everyone else thinks its here, i just cant listen to christmas songs for more than 2ish weeks, plus my birthday and christmas cant collide- its either one or the other, not both! and who said that a tv channel and a radio station dictate when the season starts? those are only 2 out of the hundreds that are out there so it looks like more are on my side than yours. HA!

Anonymous said...

no, some channels ignore it altogether. downtown b-town has the lights out, the trees are here, the stockings are stuffed, Christmas is HERE!

Isn't my hubby the best photographer in the world?

Anonymous said...

I like the texture--it makes it feel almost like a painting!!

Anonymous said...

OKAY! i will concede... it is Christmas time. THE ONLY REASON i am saying this is because Basketball season starts around this time and football season comes to an end! THANK GO(o)D(ness).....

Anonymous said...

How good is Duke?

Anonymous said...

Sung to the tune of "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"

It's the most De-Pressing Time of the year

with football season over and days getting shorter, too cold to drink beer!

it's the most de-pressing time of the year!

Anonymous said...

well, i know Goat isn't much of a football fan, I sense and Goat can revel in the holiday blues togehter!

Anonymous said...

Duke is incredible this year with the return of JJ on the perimeter and Sehlden in the middle. The new recruits are falling into place and they are going to be unstoppable.

Anonymous said...

It's never too cold to drink beer.

Anonymous said...

it's always 5 o'clock somewhere