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An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Attempted (and failed) Theology

For the past six months I have been picking my way through the Old Testament in an attempt to reread the bible, being of an age that I feel more adept to understand it. I keep coming across the same question in my mind and with each turn of the page, hope to find the answer. Why is the God of the Old Testament so different than that of the New Testament?

If you too have ever pondered this question, don't get excited. I don't know. All I have is some ideas. I unfortunately never took a course in theology during school, but I would like to think that one does not need that sort of training to answer questions raised by The Bible.

Maybe the God of the OT represented the Logos of God. Logos is the word for 'word'... but more than just 'word', it's more of an image, standard, law, etc. There had to be a stern, strict, disciplining God of the OT for there to be a New Testament. The Lord of the New Testament is kind, loving, caring... and seems less strict and stern compared to that of the OT (not saying He wasn't kind, loving, caring in the OT). The OT God built the premise of law and what was right and wrong, and to do that one has to be stern at times.

This is something just to ponder on. Chew on it for awhile. I personally just confused myself even more. I guess I'm looking for a distinct point of difference between the God of the OT and that of the NT. But then, that would mean God would have had to change... And that doesn't happen does it.


Anonymous said...

To me, the God of the Old Testament is like a teenager. Filled with emotions (excitement, anger, frustration (especially with humans at times)) that he expresses in not the best ways sometimes ie: 40 days and 40 nights. However, once he becomes a parent he now has something that he loves more than anything in the world. He is now more nurturing, more patient, more receptive, more loving. Remember it is Christ not God who spares mankind! "Forgive them father, they know not what they do." If Christ had not uttered those words the Romans might have witnessed the man on the white horse. So, like in life, with age and responsibilty come wisdom and virtue. The God of the OT was a young God, but he matured in the NT to become a magnificent Father!

Anonymous said...

wow. very well put john.

Anonymous said...

"I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed."
Malachi 3:6

"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"
Numbers 23:19

I think logic which attributes human characteristics to GOD is inherently flawed.

Anonymous said...

"Remember it is Christ not God who spares mankind!"

IN ADDITION, let me just point out that CHRIST IS GOD AND GOD IS CHRIST. A basic understanding of Christianity may be necessary to answer a question about theology. A young God?? I don't remember the bible stating that God grew up. Who are God's parents?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didnt mean to get all heated, but, well I did.

I couldn't be happier, John, that you think God is a magnificent Father, because He is. Anyways, be mad at me if you want, I just had to write that.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Sorry, I did not mean to offend anyone. I thought Kelly of all people would be the happiest....truly! I made a simple analogy because I am simple. I relate to God in ways that make sense to me as a human because I can not and will not try to understand "logic" on God's level. I think the Bible is a lot like the Constitution, it's open to interpretation and shouldn't ALWAYS be taken literally. If God does not change......then why is he different in the NT? I'm sorry that I don't have enough basic understanding of Christianity to participate in a "discussion" of "opinions". I'll stick to the witty comments and entertaining stories. At least anonymous like it. I'm not mad at you Kelly.

Anonymous said...

sorry John, really. I shouldn't have reacted so knee-jerk. I guess when something is more important to you than anything else in the world, you tend to get a little protective. I just think that it is somewhat blasphemous to compare God to or with humans and to say that He makes mistakes. But I understand your reasoning for the analogy. Anyways, a thousand apologies and I will always like for you to participate in meaningful conversations :-)

Anonymous said...

No worries Kell, I know exactly what you mean about being protective. I'm the same way about people I care about. On a lighter note..........a tractor gave me gonorrhea!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can get mad if i want to. Go to hell bum :-))))))))))hahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

the tractor comment is a Seinfeld reference. I can see it now, I come home for GA/FLA and everyone thinks I got the gon!

Anonymous said...

thats a really good post for island drama: JOHN TURNER SPREADS THE GON TO LOCAL WOMEN
just teasing!

Anonymous said...

that's me........spreadin the love and the gon........hey, I'm a man of the people!

Anonymous said...

I thought robbie was the man of the people.

Anonymous said...

he is........i just borrowed the title to spread the gon.

Anonymous said...

robbie is man of the HERP. get it right people.