start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Something else I hate

16 year-olds that drive nicer cars than most adults. Man, this really fumes me. I think it is absolutely ridiculous when a parent buys a new car for a 16-year-old driver. Give them a hand me down, or buy them an old '89 Ford Bronco, but come on... why buy them a 40k dollar BWM to only watch it tear up from learning to drive, High School parking lots and bitch attacks from the girl you just pissed off. If you have the ability to buy your kid a nice car, by all means, do it. Just wait until they graduate. At least at 18 they have two years of driving under their belt and are a little bit more responsible.

Unfortunately, my words won't hit the streets of St. Simons and the rest of the country, and even if they did, it wouldn't change the rides that roll in with the each batch of 16 year-olds. I'll admit, I wanted a nice car when I turned 16. But in retrospect, I am glad I didn't get one. It helps me appreciate that nicety... when ever it comes.

So, if you do buy your kid a super nice car at the ripe old age of 16, the least you can do is tell them a couple things.

1. The diesel fuel pump doesn't fit in your Audi fuel tank for a reason.
2. Park doesn't work that great when your car is moving.
3. The radio is for the enjoyment of those in your car, not those in the car behind, beside and in front of you.
4. Stickers are tasteful in moderation...
5. That button in the middle of the steering wheel is not a musical instrument.


Anonymous said...

i don't agree with the tasteful sticker comment ;-)

Anonymous said...

hey now! i got a new car when i turned 16. but it was a civic. not an amazing investment or anything. actually, i couldnt even drive the damn thing til i was almost 17 since i refused to get my learners for forever. ha.

Anonymous said...

you forgot one:
6. if you use the fuel pro, like most island kids, always know that pump #1 is regular. don't ever go to another regular gas station and call someone to ask which pump is number will only result in years of embarrassement!

Anonymous said...

come on...that bronco was a classic!
p.s. i think the american flag sticker on the back is stilllll on there. can't even believe the brown beast is still alive to even have the sticker still on it! ha! who would have known?

Anonymous said...

I like popsicles!