start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Double Jack on the rocks

Why can't life be as simple as a whiskey drink? Nothing too elaborate. Nothing to pretentious. Just a straight, basic liquour served cold. Late Saturday night I had an epiphany. I believe it was a step to a greater cause. I'm in a metamorphic stage in my life right now between the person I have settled on being, and the person I know I can/supposed to be. My epiphany came as a step closer to this change.

Have you ever just wanted more out of your life? I am a religious man, but this is not what I am talking about. Lately, meaning in the past year, I have been seeking more. More discipline, better health, more maturity, more control. Are these things even seekable? So far on my journey I have become less tolerable. For me, this is a good thing. I am very patient, passive and anti-confrontational type person. I pride myself in this, but have learned that it can bite me in the ass on occasion.

Petty drama annoys me. Who cares if so-in-so just kissed so-in-so (or fell asleep at their house...hehe). Life is a little bit more important than who's mad at whom.

Now, as my drink has melted away to that swirly-colored water that I have seen often before, I leave you with this bit of personal advice that hatched from my Saturday night epiphany: Figure out what you want out of life. Instead of telling yourself you need it, killing yourself to get it... tell yourself that you want to do it. That you can do it because you have the power, desire, drive to do it.


Anonymous said...

you don't need a whickey drink to figure out what you want in life.

you have already overcome the most difficult task life has yet thrown your way; your wife. not saying by any means that she in general is difficult, but the task in making her yours and yours forever was quite the hardship. all the qualites you described were nothing far from admirable. there are few people in life that can describe themselves as "anti-confrontational". (me being one) that is something to be highly proud of. wanting to get more out of life is nothing short of maturing. you are growing up to a man and wanting to fill in a man's shoes. wanting all these things for your family is wonderful. the mere fact that you realize you want to be a better person and to enjoy life to its greatest potential is an accomplishment in itself. keep on truckin' big brother.

Anonymous said...

Is being anti-confrontational something to be proud of?