start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, October 07, 2005

School system flooded with bad ideas

I just heard that they canceled school today at Glynn Academy because of the rain from TS Tammy. Big damn deal! When we went to HS we got wet. Who cares if it's raining? If it was going to rain, I put my duck boots on and brought my raincoat. OK, not everybody has a rain coat, I understand. A trash bag with a hole for you head works just as well. The admin wonders why these kids are so behind. You take them out of school at the drop of a hat. Perdue will cancel school if he gets gas and the Glynn County School System will cancel if some yells at a teacher.... "Oh no, terroristic threat!" Simply ridiculous!


Rev. G. Thomas Martin said...

what kind of message does that send from the government (all levels, local, state, national) whenever schol is cancelled. gas went up, so we'll cancel school. now, because there are more than two days that school has been cancelled, they will have to make all 3 up, isn't that right? anybody want to check on this? enjoy the site by the way ben.

Anonymous said...

No, we don't have to make it up. At least that's what they told us after Sonny's "snow days".

Anonymous said...

Rainy days at GA are the best. That's when no matter what you wear you are going to be soaking wet b/c the entire campus floods. One of my fondest memories of a rainy day was when Kurt and I were streaking towards the gym from the science bldg. freshman year. We came to Lake GA right outside the squares. Now Kurt had begun to slow down, and upon seeing this I made for the portion of the lake that was thin enough to jump over. Right as I lept for a dry spot I shoved kurt and he fell into the middle of the dark, wet abyss! Man he was so pissed and I got wet anyways because I could barely walk I was laughing so hard! hahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

you're so nice turner