start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Spoiled brats get what they deserve

It's about time someone puts a stop to the spoiled pastimes of the stuck-up wealthy. A HS principal in New York canceled prom because he was just fed up with all the money that was put into it for post and pre-game parties by the students (read: spoiling parents). $20, 000 for a room after the dance? Come on! Whatever happened to the Relax Inn? $35 for a heart-shape bed with mirrors everywhere... now that's style!

Actually, I don't agree entirely with the principals decision. He could have taken action a different way.


Anonymous said...

The only people from SSI who could afford a post-prom party like that are Bum, Kurt, and Bonnie....ranked in that order of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd richest!

Anonymous said...

i don't know what you're talking about. i rake in 600k a year. and that's my money, not mom and dad's.

Anonymous said...

get real people... everything we ever had when we were younger was from mommy and daddy. we all had nice prom dresses and nice tuxedo's and got to party after/before prom with daddies money. yes, some had more mulah than others, but we all had the luxuries. we are from the island and thats just how we rolled! face it, we were spoiled, too!

Anonymous said...

i don't know about ya'll...

i rented a tux for $60.... we had prom under a tent...we ate dinner at a friend's house whose parents cooked it up...i drove my explorer and afterwards drank natural light at a friend's house in a t-shirt and shorts...

actually in the middle of prom my date and I went bowling and then later went back....prom is the dumbest thing ever

we may have been at boarding school, but we kept it there's not a lot of extravagence in Rome, Ga

Anonymous said...

i love pumpkin bread from barbara jeans.

Anonymous said...

No kiddin, remember when Bonnie said that and then said she dreamt it. Damn, Bum you and Kurt are so rich

Anonymous said...

I love pumpkins and pumkin bread....especially from Barbara Jeans. Bum likes to scratch his behind and smell it, so I don't know if I'd even want to be at his prom or his date. Come to think of it, Bum's date was probably his bowling ball.

Anonymous said...
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