start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Mixed Bag

I've never been big on Halloween. I don't know why, I love candy. I liked dressing up, going around with friends and getting loads of candy and eating it 'til you puke, but for some reason, I don't get all excited about it like I do others. I think it has to do with the over all holiday itself. For me, Halloween was just like any other day... except you got lots of candy and got to stay out late. No relatives came in town, no big dinners, no days off school/work, no warm, fuzzy feelings. All the things that seem to make up holidays are absent in Halloween. Don't get me wrong, I love some free candy, but it's just not Easter, or Thanksgiving, or Christmas.

You know what I love? Being older. I love being out of high school. Granted, their are times that I wish I could go back to the simplistic life of a teenager, but all in all being older is so much better. Their are many reasons why I think this, but I'm going to only talk about one right now.

After I sit here and think about the fun I had this weekend, I can't help but think how happy I am that we have all matured. I am still friends with people I knew in high school, some that I wasn't that great of friends with at all back then. I think we all tend to flock towards the people that are as mature as us, or those who's maturity we desire. Stop and think about it. I'm glad
to be a part of a mature group of friends (for the most part) whose company I enjoy and trust I desire. I think what it boils down to is this. I expect a lot from my friends. Why should one not? If you are willing to go balls-to-the-wall for a compadre, shouldn't you at least feel that that love is reciprocated? This is a rarity in high school. It took me a while to relies this. I expected to much from my friends then. They weren't mature enough. Does that mean that I was? I don't know. I know what I wanted, but who knows if even I could have provided that.

I guess one of the things I'm trying to point out is this. The older that I get, the clearer it gets to me who my real friends are, versus those that I call friends simply because we ran in the same crowd in high school. It seems like I have been waiting a long time to finally have people of great caliber that I joyfully call friends in my life. To you all... thanks.


Anonymous said...

I've been friends with pretty much the same kids from high school and although the maturation has been quite delayed, it is arriving slowly but surely. I can think of one great Halloween experience....I came home from school and was all excited about my costume(I think it was a vampire) and I sat there and watched some Halloween special on T.V. It was 2:30 in the afternoon so it was set up like a Ho-Down. Quite strange, but still memorable.

Does anyone feel like they used to be able to stay out incredibly late on Halloween when they were a kid. Now that I look back on it, I think I was in bed by like 8:00. Whenever I drive around neighborhoods on Halloween it seems like the streets are deserted at like 8:30. Maybe it's just that the past 2 years it's fallen on a school night. Oh well, maybe next year I'll catch a rerun of that Ho-Down special.

Man, I can't wait for Christmas specials to start coming on!

Anonymous said...

second the Christmas specials!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you'll shoot your eye out....ha

Anonymous said...

That movie STILL gives me nightmares. The elves at the mall are the worst. And that red-haired kid who gets beat up--what kind of Christmas movie is that anyways? But I can be sure that my dad will watch ALL 120 hours of that stupid movie on TBS. I'm looking forward to THE classic Christmas movie, Christmas Vacation. You just can't beat cousin Eddie and Snots!!!