start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Man, today is lasting for ever! I am ready for this week to be over. No plans on tap for this weekend, just going to take it easy.

Next weekend is GA/FLA weekend. Coming soon will be a great post on everything that is, relating to the GA/FLA extravaganza.

I'm bored... Do you know what an ellipses is? A series of dots (...) following a break in a sentence. My pet peeve is when people use them wrong. You're supposed to use only three dots (...). Now you know, and knowing is half the battle....................... (not like that!)

Who wants to have a cookout this weekend? So, you live in NY, I don't care, come on down. I hope the weather is conducive for outdoor evening activities this weekend. Wilma better not screw things up. Talk about outta left field that one. TS Wilma turned into a Cat. 5 hurricane over night, breaking records for the lowest barometric pressure ever recorded... in the 800's.

Alright, I'm going home for lunch to my ummmmm tasty ham sandwich and two rowdy dogs. Wow, an interesting day. I fancy a bike ride later, we'll see.


Anonymous said...

In the words of Ali G, "RESPEK!"

However, i think there's a fundamental flaw in your loathing of misused ellipses.

An ellipsis is "the omission of a word or phrase necessary for a complete syntactical construction but not necessary for understanding."

In other words when you want a sentence to flow better you remove something and replace it with an ellipsis.

However, I think when people (perhaps myself included) use excessive periods, they aren't trying to make their sentences flow better, but instead are trying to convey the idea of drifting thought. Therefore an ellipsis isn't being used.

If you were engaged in conversation with the person, the excessive periods would be silence as he is thinking/pondering.

Commonly too, i use "ellipses" when other punctutation should be used, like a semi-colon.

So, if I have used the excessive periods in the past, I apologize; I'll be more mindful of them. I just think it's a way of conveying stream of consciousness.

My pet peeves? Aside from people calling coozies "huggies," they're too numerous to list.

Let's get a list of peeves going! That way we can either avoid them altogether, or know exactly how to annoy each other in the future.

Anonymous said...

Ben's list of pet peeves would max out the memory on the blog

Anonymous said...

You always know if it's Bum's post because it generally starts out with something that no one understands.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person who calls "coozies" STYROS???

Ben, can you hava a poll or something? I have heard them called coozies, styros, can-coolies, and huggies. There are probably more terms out there.

It is diffucult being a lone styro-collector in a world of coozies.

But I digress.


Anonymous said...

Interesting Allison, I've never heard that one. Do you still collect them?

Anonymous said...

I want to come for a cookout. It's so freaking cold up here. I could tell you some stories so cold they'll shrivel your balls to the size of raisins. And by the way, an ellipsis should always be treated as a three letter word. For example blah blah wrong. It should be blah blah blah ... is correct. Notice the spaces. Go go gadget AP style book.

Anonymous said...

bum...................................................................................................................................................................................................................I think i speak for everyone when i say.................................................U SUCK!!!.................Ben, I apologize for the excessive dots, i don't know what their "special" word is.....i love all of you!

Anonymous said...

sorry about the lame message.....a tad tipsay, as kurt would say! But fo real.....bum, your lecture was quite tahded! I think I need 'a changin!

Anonymous said...

pookes and i say hello. Is baitshack still around? i think i might go hiking during the bye week! man, am i coherent!

Anonymous said...

please disregard the lameness of the last few messages......they were left after a little drinky, drinky. I love fry!.....but bum,'re pretty turr!

Anonymous said...


prepare yourself for a gutting...

Anonymous said...

messages like all these are only fun when everyone else knows what the hell yall are talking about...and not everyone does!

Anonymous said...

Ever heard of AppleBee's plus Turner plus Ga/Fla?