start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Interesting invention

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS, cot death) is the leading cause of death for infants ages one month to one year old. What happens is the baby just stops breathing while sleeping. I could not possibly imagine worrying every time my baby (when I have one... well, not me, but Kelly) went to sleep that he/she might not wake up. Talk about paranoia.

That is why I will be buying a Respisense. About the size of a thing of dental floss, this is the first product that monitors the breathing of a baby and then vibrates if it notices a 20 second period in which breathing does not occur. The vibrate motor is the same thing that is in you cellphone. It also emits an audible alarm to notify the nearest person.

You are all probably wondering why in the hell I am posting about baby stuff. I just thought it was interesting that's all... nothing else!

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