start. people. places. things. me. | island profilin'

An illustration of my life, loves and various random information
that you may or may not find the least bit useful...
all from the island of St. Simons.

Friday, September 23, 2005

No School Monday/Tuesday

In an effort to save on gas consumption, Georgia Governor Sunny Purdue cancelled all public schools Monday and Tuesday. What does this mean? My wife has no excuse for turning in early tonight! Yeah for the governor.


Anonymous said...

What does it mean for everyone else? Stupid high schoolers will be out late on weeknights while I'm trying to sit at Starbucks and have a nice conversation, while some stupid high schooler drives up in a truck too big and way too loud, with the music blaring and I can't even hear myself think, let alone have a conversation! But, if that means that Kelly gets to stay up, then that's fine.

Anonymous said...

What about colleges? So high schoolers need to be out of school to save gas but college kids don't? Is there something wrong here?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! i'm going to bask in the sun and go shopping while you all are at work!!! :-) don't you love me?

Anonymous said...

Maybe if gas prices get high enough, sunny will say "hey, it's too expensive to get to work now. let's shut everything down for a week." what a genius.